Our Fees

cardiology fees

Our Fees

As a practice, we acknowledge that a growing number of patients are self-funding their healthcare in the private sector. Our cardiology fees have been stable for over 10 years, as our ethos is to provide a gold standard level of cardiology services to our patients at an affordable price. Fees for our Consultant Cardiologists are given below:

Service Price
Initial consultation: £200
Follow up consultation: £160

The two baseline cardiac tests that look at the rhythm and functionality of the heart are the ECG and echocardiogram.

Self pay package

We have developed a self-pay package that includes these two tests and an initial consultation with one of our Consultant Cardiologists:

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Service Price
ECG: £60
Echocardiogram: £350
Self-pay package (ECG, echocardiogram and initial consultation): £600
book an appointment to see a cardiologist

It may be necessary for additional tests to be carried out, depending on presenting symptoms and test results.  Prices for in-house cardiac tests are readily available from our administration team and will be discussed with you prior to booking.  If you are referred on to another hospital or facility for more complex testing the provider will advise you of the cardiology fees before you book the test.